At DESC, our Teaching and Learning provision remains the cornerstone of our success as a College. We aspire to be at the forefront of global Teaching, Learning and Assessment strategies by ensuring that all students, regardless of their starting point, achieve both academic and personal success.
DESC staff are fully committed to ensuring our students are ‘future ready’ and prepared to thrive in life beyond DESC, through developing their learning skills alongside a deep understanding of the exceptional curriculum we offer.
The DESC vision, where we ‘strive to nurture, independent, confident and resilient learners who respond to challenge and reach their full potential,’ is at the heart of our Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), which we believe provides the key components necessary for excellence.
DESC are a ‘One-to-One Apple Device’ College, with 162 Apple teachers and 1 Apple Professional Learning Specialist within the teaching staff. As such, we aim to ‘Develop Excellence and Skills Collaboratively using Technology.’
At DESC, we have a dedicated Teaching and Learning Team (T&L Team) who provide a wide range of Professional Development opportunities and offer support and challenge to all members of our teaching community, who continually strive to enhance their expertise. The T&L Team are the driving force behind our mission to embed Neuro-scientific, Evidence-based practice and Digital Technologies into our Teaching and Learning strategies.
DESC staff must be excellent practitioners who are continually reflecting on, and striving to improve their practice. Through engagement in our Teaching and Learning Professional Development opportunities we have created a culture of sharing good practice and taking risks to impact positively on Student Experience in the learning environment and, ultimately, student outcomes.