Catherine Dando was appointed DESS Headteacher in September 2014. Having gained a First Class Honours degree in Education at Brighton University, Catherine has developed a highly experienced career in education, with nearly 30 years spent in primary education in the UK as a class teacher, Literacy Leader, Deputy Headteacher and Headteacher: For two years she was seconded to Brighton University where she lectured in Early Literacy to teaching students. Since gaining her NPQH (National Professional Qualification for Headship) in 2010, Catherine has led a very successful team as a Primary headteacher in Worthing, UK.
A strong believer in working collaboratively with other schools, Catherine was also chosen to represent her region on the Heads Executive where she was able to have a real impact on leading change in schools. She is passionate about creating irresistible learning opportunities and empowering children to become independent and lifelong learners. A mother of three grown up children herself, she is looking forward to welcoming new pupils and parents to DESS for the new academic year.